At that time, I was still having my BenQ DC2300, an extremely simple, basic digital camera.

This baby, BenQ DC2300, which is now out of production, was my first ever camera, also, the first ever digital camera. It was a gift from daddy, he bought it for me in PC Fair, before I leave home to study in UK. I still remembered his words, "Take photos and send back to us ya, especially photos with you inside!" Thinking back, I just felt so grateful to have such a loving daddy who has brought me up with love, care, encouragement and support...
BenQ has been with me for a few years, despite its lack of functions, I still love it very much. It is, after all, the first digital camera for me to explore the world of photography. During my first year in university, I brought it almost anywhere I go. I realized that since having a camera, I have started to notice simple, beautiful moments that should be captured and kept as memories.
While having BenQ, I have been eyeing greedily with the various new cameras that my friends have. I still remembered I have been laughed at most of the time for having the most out-dated cameras in the market, hehe, but that made me more passionate to brush up my photography skills to compensate the technical weakness. And I have told myself, one day I'm gonna save enough money to buy a proper DSLR.
After some time, my passion somehow died down a bit, maybe due to there is no photography buddy whom I can share interest with, nor can I find any "sifu" to learn more proper skills. I'm really lucky to have bumped into JY and Ozzy, who are good in photography, and much more committed and avid photographer than myself. Made me feel shameful for being so slack. :-)
Both of them have helpfully taught me more about photography, and with their encouragement, I am starting to ponder again to get a DSLR. My Yangyang has been very sweet to offer to buy one for me,*muaks*, and now we are looking into a few models.
Anyway, I have been looking at a few entry-level DSLR, suggested by friends, for example Canon EOS 400D, Nikon d40 and Sony Alpha. I have looked into reviews from various sources to compare and choose the one which would be (hopefully) more suitable for my use as a hobbyist. For some unknown reason, I am attracted to Nikon d40, probably due to its affordable price, or some unexplainable attraction it has on me. Hehe.

Anyone with any recommendation or hands-on review on DSLR? I am a beginner switching from P2S to DSLR, and would not be going too deep into really expensive hi-specs ones. Currently I'm more inclined to D40, but would be glad to hear any other opinions and suggestions. :-)
DSLR, here I come!
Woohoo! D40x has just come out! Thanks to Ozzy for the news. Gonna check out whether it's value buy. :-)
i'm reading about DSLR too.
Few of my frens recommend Canon EOS 350D (cheaper than the Canon EOS 400D). Nikon D40 is good for beginner though..
Have been considering but still looking... :)
Nikon D40-X (Newer Version with 10 M-pixels).......Here I come..
Yang Yang
Now I can't even sign in to my Blogger account. SOS.
The lack of built-in autofocus motor is currently bothering me... Worried about the AF-lens might cost a fortune, hence diminishing its competitive advantage of having a cheaper body... :-( Should start researching on the price of lens too...
Hey YD. I'm in the same position. I looked at a Nikon D40 today (though it's too much for my pocketbook). Nice camera. I may go for a Lumix F27 which is much less money (and of course less camera in some ways) but it is built by Panasonic and has a Leitz lens. I have a lot of research and looking to do before I make the decision.
Take a look at a post on NZM's blog, "M and J Adventures". The pictures on that blog are awesome and in the post I linked she reveals what cameras they use. Maybe you can ask her advice too.
Have fun camera shopping.
Shameless self-promotion: Take a moment to drop by a see our latest plum blossom pics. ;^)
Wow! New camera... =)
Congratulations for diving into this expensive indulgence, hehe...
Nikon should make some AF prime lens. I just got my first prime - cheapest from Canon, i.e. EF 50mm f1.8
Sorry I mean AF-S. Not so familiar with Nikkor lenses...
YD - I got a new camera yesterday. It's a Canon Powershot S3 IS. Spent the afternoon around lake Senba in Mito City (while K got her hair done) trying it out.
I really like it. Not in the same league as a Nikon D40 obviously (it isn't an SLR, but rather a big zoom compact), but it is a huge leap forward from my old camera.
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