Edinburgh International Conference Centre
8-10 December 2004
Going Global, attracted almost 600 delegates from some 55 countries, making it the largest event of its type. This is the first time it was organized, and I am grateful that I have this opportunity to be part of it, to experience it, to learn, and to make a contribution to it.
Further Information about the Going Global Conference is on this web
Going Global
Speakers and Delegates
The lead three speakers were a powerful trio of Charles Clarke, the former Secretary of State for Education, Neil Kinnock giving his first major speech as Chair of the British Council and Kader Asmal, the former Minister of Education in South Africa. There were also other prominent speakers from all around the world, making presentations, research studies and discussions. 600 delegates from 55 countries are attending this conference. (Can't help feeling lucky to be listed under the "Speaker List", hehe... )
Some Background Information: Before attending the conference, I made some research on it and checked out some background of it. Going Global is a major sector-wide conference focusing on opportunities and challenges facing the international education and training community. It emphasizes borderless education, e-learning, distance learning, transnational and partnership programs.
There are discussions and debates about quality of education, policies review, and evaluation of equality of access to education. This conference will explore many of the core international issues affecting the education and training sector. It will bring together education professionals, policy-makers, researchers and practitioners from around the world and will provide opportunities to share knowledge and experience, consider new research and innovations, engage in debate and discussion, and network with colleagues.
Feedback from both delegates and speakers has been very positive, indicating that an early decision will need to be taken not so much on whether to hold a follow up conference but when and how.
## Pleasantly surprised to find out the delegates thought positively about our presentation! Comments
My Personal Experience in EICC
I would say this is a very mind-awakening and enriching experience for me. This was the first time I participate in a conference at a global scale, the first time I spoke on a plenary platform in front of 600 delegates. Boy was I nervous!
Taking part in this conference is such a great learning opportunity for me. The preparation work for my presentation on stage has not been easy. Went through discussions with my compatriots who were in the same panel discussion with me. I have spent quite some time doing my own research on the points I wished to put out to the audience, about student support system, about fees issue and an all-round education system. I talked to many people beforehand and researched on some facts and statistics. I know this is a chance to speak out my views and the policy makers will be there to listen. I want to make my message across, and I hope what I do will benefit the future international students.
Arriving at the conference centre, EICC.
Stepping into Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC) awed me. I like the architecture design of the building. And I was pleased to see a systematic organization of the programme, events and exhibitions.
My presentation is on the first day, right after the speeches of Rt Hon. Charles Clarke (Secretary of State for Education and Skills) and Professor Kade Asmal (former Minister of Education South Africa). It was a bit terrifying to speak right after some heavy-weighted high profile speakers.
Standing on stage making my presentation was a briliant experience. Surprisingly, when I stood on stage and made my speech, I forgot about the nervous feeling. It actually felt nice to speak to so many people and to know that they are listening and taking down points you put across. I decided to put aside the speech notes I prepared earlier, and just speak what was on my mind. And this actually worked well, since I felt much more comfortable and confident speaking out what I think and what I feel.
After 4 of us made our individual presentation, the facilitator, Romesh Gunesekera, lead us into a Q&A and discussion session. I noticed that everyone had become more comfortable during this discussion, and I took the chance to bring out the issues of student support and welfare system, fees issue, and setting up a comprehensive education system which balances academic and co-curricular aspects. Our discussion is lively, and the audience enjoyed it.
Our discussion and Q&A Sessions
I actually felt a bit reluctant when our session ended. It was such an irony that I was apprehensive before it started and now I actually felt good about it. haha...
For the next 2 days, I went for different panel sessions of presentations and discussions. There are 5 themes for the sessions - English, International student mobility and marketing, Transnational Education, Strategy & Policy, and Global Skills and partnership. I found the education issues interested me so much! As i went through the process of talking to ppl and looking at things, listening to debates and discussions and speeches, i realized there are so many things for me to learn. At the same time i discovered that this conference rekindled my passion about education. i remembered i talked to dad n mum about my childhood dream as being involved in education, and i did not expect that one day, today, i am really in touch with this field!
I started to re-think about my future and the dreams i wanted to pursue. As I mentioned this to my friend Maritza, I found my old dreams started coming back, about educating people, about being a writer, about teaching, about everything...I think it is time to reassess myself to discover my ability and my ambitions, I really need to do a SWOT test on myself soon.
Another new experience that I learned is socializing and networking with people. Shamefully enough, I had not known the skills of networking before! Thanks to Maritza who explained to me how things work, I began to learn from scratch, to lose my shyness to talk to people. As I began to see how things work, I started to enjoy the social gatherings sessions. The most enjoyable social gathering would be the gala dinner. As we danced on the dance floor, I was surprised to see everyone relaxed and put down their serious attitude during the conference, and danced and sang together to have a good time!
Taking photos with delegates at the end of conference
3 days of busy schedule did not make me tired. In fact when it ended, I felt so reluctant to leave the place. EICC - a place to remember. I treasure the moments spent in here. Also, I feel so grateful to meet so many nice and remarkable people, and to forge friendships with new friends whom i share so much similar interests.
The empty main hall after everyone left...
I will miss it.
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