First of all, the album cover...

We went to the park opposite our house, anticipating a sea of flowers. But when we reached the flower garden, we found THIS.

We found some daffodils and some patches of flowers blooming here and there, and have to settled for those. While we didn't get to see many flowers, we did get to see a lot of ducks and swans.

Lacking the collection of the flowers, I decided to turn the focus of my album to other subjects - the kids.

It was fun watching the kids, accompanied by their parents, having their great time at the playground. Many of them found the sandbox the most wonderful place to roll around and giggle for every little joy.

... and I found this little boy looking around to find someone to acknowledge his achievement of building the "sand castles" on the table. :-)

Beside the river, the mum and the kid are feeding the ducks...

Bonus Tracks
Undaunted by the failures of finding our "sea of pinks", we continued our search in other parks. Well, our efforts did paid off - at least we have got one tree blooming in pink. hehehe...

And we found a "sea of yellow and white" in another park too!

Nice pix YD, and you found some blossoms after all. In a few weeks you'll have flowers all over the place.
Last time I was in London was long time ago in the month of May. Kensington Garden and St.James Park were beautiful.
Looking forward to more springtime pictures from you.
Ah...beautiful! That's a wonderful collection!
I might add that your embedded piano accompaniment goes really well with it. However, for some reason it keeps stopping!
"Oh, nice picture! Hey..." (hits "play")
"Ah! That's nice, too! Hey..." (hits "play" again)
"Aw...what happened to that park? Oh, well. It's a nice contrast, a sort of switching of channels or shifting of...hey..." (hits "play" yet again)
"Cute kids! I'd like to run screaming and jump head-first into that sand! I wonder if YD actually did...hey..." (hits "play" yet another time)
And so on.
Thanks for the pics!
Thnx panda n moody... The day was extraordinarily sunny for London, hence the good lighting for the photos.. still searching around for the full bloom. :-)
Ahh.... St. James! That's where the sakura is! (secret revealed, hehe) Green Park offers a full field of flowers too (ahem, Royal flower).
oh, the clip keeps on stopping?? oh dear... maybe my free webspace has passed its 'free' period. Do you have any recommendation for webspace for storing songs/music files? I've searched high and low but most webspace provide spaces for photos instead...
hehehe... I nearly ran screaming and jump head-first into the sand! ... but I did rolled on the green carpet of grass, and dirtied my jacket (sob sob..) :-) but well, it's spring!
now it's time to fix that canon...
For a change, here's a new song (embedded in the blog) to dedicate to all my dear friends.
This song is the theme song of a beautiful documentary "人生" which depicts the 1991 earthquake in Taiwan. It shows how people lost their loved ones, how they went through the pain and how they reconstructed their life.
走马灯 is a kind of chinese lantern which rotates constantly. It works using the physics of hot/cold air flow. As the lantern rotates, it normally tells some sort of stories with the pictures painted on the sides, and as the lantern keeps rotating, the pictures become an endless cycle, just like our life.
Beautiful place you live in, yd. I'm imagining, thank you :p
Perhaps you should walk over to talk to your neighbour -- or those kids! You might get better picture on them, while making a friend or count, right? :p
走马灯 -- I've never seen one before. Maybe I'll look for them in China :) I don't remember seeing any of those in Malaysia, pity...
Finally I hope the spring brings good new start for you. May your circle begins strong and hopeful!
Ah...that's a nice tune! I think I'll just leave your site up for a while and sit and listen!
BTW: just how do you embed song files in your blog?
thanks! we did talk to a couple of parents who seem more friendly, haha... (here in london ppl are much less friendly than other places we have been in UK, i wonder why.)
to share a cute story, see that little boy in Red hooded jacket? His name is George and he was only more than 1 year old. Halfway playing in the sandbox, he suddenly crawled towards the side in full speed, so we went to stop him from falling over the edge. Despite attempts to stop him, he was persistent in dashing over the edge...
and finally we found out - he was interested in a dog far away! and we finally understood his babbles of "nog nog nog..." (dog dog dog..)
走马灯.. i remember seeing them in malaysia... we have them in Chinese New Year 15th day, remember? There were some depicting figures instead of a complete storyline. Hmm.. let's see what I can find out more for you.
Thanks for your well-wishing. May you be blessed with happiness and health too!
I can share this song with you. (I wonder whether it violates any piracy law.. hope not)
The music is HERE
And here is am example of command to embed music files. you can choose other settings of course.
(please substitute the { } sign with < and > sign, cuz i can't put in the code like this directly..
{embed src="" playcount=5 AUTOSTART="true"
width="100" height="40" align="left" loop=5}{/embed}
YD, lovely album. Love the pix of the ducks and the pink flowers.
thanks happy.. the photo of ducks was not that good initially due to the murky water. But after doing some touch up, it somehow become painting-like. I like the outcome too.
For the flower, I gotta thank the bright sunshine and the clear blue sky on that day. They helped to bring out the colour of the flowers. :-)
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