Wednesday, March 02, 2005

# Walking Spree

I have to thank my housemate for dragging me into this. I was still groggy in the morning when she dragged me to walk to school with her. And mind you, it took almost 1 hour to walk from our house to school! I was halfway dreaming and walking during my first try, and arrived at school in a half-awake condition. But somehow I got addicted to this walking-to-school-disease and started to enjoy walking to and back from school.

There are always lots of things to see along the way to school – people rushing for work, window displays and even the busy traffic. One plus point is that our route to school pass by places of interests such as Tower Bridge, river Thames and St. Paul’s Cathedral and these beautiful scene never fail to awe me.

It took one hour in each journey but it was worth the walk. Almost everyday we manage to see some interesting or funny thing happen along the street, and we always have endless conversations about things we saw along our way. And certainly our stamina build up and I wonder whether I should go back to marathon again, hehe. I haven’t been running since I came to London and this started my ‘walking spree’ again.

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