Due to excessive dosage of freedom, I suffered from post-exam-syndrome, I see bananas everywhere! From moody's chatbox to the local store, everywhere is just full of bananas!
And I think I am turning into one too! Gosh.
Here are some banana treats!
First, let's boogie with bananas!

Some banana astrology...

Some banana nation...

Some banana religion...

Some banana justice...

Some banana kayak, i mean, boat...

Some banana art...

Some japanese dancing bananas...

And some good old fried bananas a.k.a. Pisang Goreng!

Well, YD, I guess you really have gone completely and totally BANANAS!!!!!!!
I always thought you were looking a little yellow around the edges, but still soft and sweet inside.
Just don't let any monkeys get their hands on you...and don't split on us!
I'm worried...
u have gone bananas instead of going nuts? :P
Bananas have no lips *Mmm*
Bananas split!
Bananas unite!
Peel - peel, peel, peel banana
Peel - peel, peel, peel banana
You lean to the left
You lean to the right
You peel your banana
And *UGH* you take a bite!
Go bananas! Go, go bananas!!
Where is your own banana pic (i.e. YD in banana outfit)?
Eek eek eek! =)
Banana refers to the British Born Chinese..
Yellow on the outside but white on the inside.
Perhaps, u mixed too much with them liao.
YD has gone bananas! YD has gone bananas!
Do you know why the banana went out with a prune? (She couldn't get a date).
But you needn't worry about that - you have a lot of "a-peel".
I love banana smoothies!!!
Watch it, though. I think her "a-peel" can be kind of slippery...and easily bruised.
And you know what they call two banana peels? - a pair of slippers.
I think I have been jinxed!! I just 'accidentally' bought quite a number of books from the BANANA bookshop, and just now I was searching for boxes for housemoving and the Sainsbury's workers gave me the boxes used to carry BANANAS... When I went back home, somebody made BANANA smoothies...
This is a plot!!!
and i m amazed by the number of bananas attracted to this post! hehehehe... Banana nation rules!
I remembered myself telling a very lame joke to my friends, about bananas...
"There were two bananas walking on the street. One felt hungry so he peeled his own skin and ate himself. Guess what happened to the second one? ... He slipped."
There was a dead silence, then one guy started laughing. Feeling relieved, I thought he caught the joke. But he said he laughed becuz nobody laughed and the situation was funny!
Dang! I should just go be a banana.
Hi YD,
You write a lovely philosophical post and no-one responds and then you write about bananas and we all go crazy! But sadly, I haven't eaten one for months. Because of the cyclone in northern Queensland that destroyed almost all of the banana crops, we in Oz cannot afford to buy them now at $10 a kilo! I used to eat one a day - potassium and all that!
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