Monday, October 03, 2005

# Oxford Circus vs Cambridge Circus

A question suddenly popped up in my mind, why is that Oxford Circus is so famous, but not Cambridge Circus?

# Oxford Circus, the intersection of Regent Street and Oxford Street.

# Cambridge Circus, the junction of Shaftesbury Avenue and Charing Cross Road.

Both have busy streets, both have a variety of stores. Perhaps the difference is that Oxford Street has more 'shopping'-type stores... I do not know.

Almost all people know the location of Oxford street, but not too many would know exactly where Cambridge Circus is, or even whether it exists.

Snapped some shots at the Street name plates, here's the Cambridge Circus sign:
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Here's the more famous one:
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Pandabonium said...

Do they have elephants, clowns and dancing bears at the circus?

Just kidding.

YD said...

hehe... they have the Women in White at Cambridge Circus, and Uncle McDonald at Oxford Circus.