Tuesday, October 04, 2005

# Part-time Catering Assistant

I started work today as a part-time catering assistant in the school cafe. I was quite lucky to get this job because it has been said that students applying to school jobs normally have to queue in the waiting list for quite a long time.

I was stationed at the Plaza Cafe next to the library, although we are told that we might be stationed in any other cafes if needs arise. The cafe is a small one, but a busy one too. My shift is during lunch time, the peak hours of students getting off classes and coming for food. It was hectic to keep everything in order, from maintaining the coffee machines, to refilling food stocks and cleaning up tables and emptying rubbish... etc etc.

Made a few blunders during first time trying. But happy that things are getting into place. It feels nice to be busy actually. Guessed I am not a person who can sit quietly long enough, hehe...

After starting the job, I was quite surprised to find out that some people actually think waitressing is a low-class work. Perhaps these people have always been used to being served upon and being rich. They really needs to learn to respect everyone's job, from the supposedly high status office work/ CEO/ advisors/ etc to lower income workers. There is a need for these people to climb out from their own cocoon to the real world. The world does not revolves around themselves, hehe.

At workplace, got to know a few nice colleagues. Gosha is a friendly girl from Poland, currently finding postgrad courses to study, planning to do IELTS and also finding accommodation. Katy, another Polish girl, is working long hours at cafes and bars to earn a living. Annie, from Malaysia, is the supervisor, and she's on working holiday visa. Leila, Philipine based in Madrid, was travelling from places to places to work. Each person has different stories and background, yet they are a family in this small cafe. I like the friendly atmosphere in here.

Tomorrow I am having another shift. Looking forward to the new day!


@ロウ 。LOW@ said...

Should i say, happy working? Because i feel like study again! Ha! :)

YD said...

Thanks Low! Yup it's tiring but fun to work at a small busy cafe.. n it's more fun if we are working part-time while we are still student! i bet you had your great times during your school days!

偷閒加油站 said...

glad that you enjoy the job..:D

Pandabonium said...

Some people with wealth become full of themselves and lose their connection to their fellow human beings.

Anyone doing necessary work should be respected and appreciated for what they do.

After I closed my office, I worked in a bookstore for a few years in the lowest position. My coworkers ranged from college students to the career minded and retirees.

It did not pay much, but I enjoyed it and felt productive and happy doing my best for the store and the customers.

I think most people benefit from such experience, no matter what career they pursue.

YD said...

Good words, pandabonium. Appreciation and gratitude for every little thing is the way of life.

Knowing the very grassroot level work and employees is crucial, even for the highest ranking director. after all, working is not just about profits, it revolves more around people.

This is my second week at work, and although it's physically tiring, it's fun and fulfilling. Ganbate!